C.G. Schutta Buttward Fat Ass Clapper. A man of many habits, many truths, and just a man who loves a good tool box. From sea to shining sea, Schutt works hard to make sure everything is just alright around here. You need a haircut? See Schutt! You hungry for some wings on a Sunday? Ask Chef Butta! You need that pack? SCHUTTA BUTTA DUTT DUTT DUTT DUTT DUTTA! Don't ask what Schutt can do for you, ask what you can do for Schutt.
Schutt, this website is for you. I pay 9 dollars a year to support this website. Help me support this website, I'm falling apart right now. Schutta please venmo me with that booty. I need money so bad.
This is a fan page. I don't even know the guy! I am in no way affiliated with Schutter Butter, I am instead just the guy who watches all of the things he does via satellite and the cameras.